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May 23Liked by Lara Starr

All of those dating site men were jump scares. I internally screamed at the man who was new to 'dating', which he confused with 'hookups' (or did he?)

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Thank you so much for reading. It is truly a jungle out there

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May 23Liked by Lara Starr

Fun stories!

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Thank you! <3

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May 22Liked by Lara Starr

OMG! This is a really packed stack!!! So did John eat the ‘to off his shoulder?🤭

That CAKE!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍

I got a lump in my throat looking at the lovely photos of you and John on your European Adventure.

The “Affirmations” are a hoot!

I’m hooked on Strands too.

The BEST was hearing you felt apathy when FB memories popped up of you and Kris during happy times. Definitely progress.

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Thank you so much for all! And you know, I don't remember if he ate the shoulder 'to, but knowing him, he probably did!

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OMG!!! Those app guys! They look like mug shots. Wow. Love the food fuck stories. Mike had one when Abe was young and shook the ketchup (hard) in a restaurant which went ALL over Mike. Long silence followed by loud laughter. He smelled marinated all through the movie. Awesome progress on the mental health report. It’s hard when people you love don’t read you but it’s not about you. It’s about them. And that’s an awesome shift that it’s not bugging you. Another great post.

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May 22·edited May 22Author

Thank you so much! <3 And ha! That ketchup story is classic! Every family must have 'em.

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